
Introduction to Permaculture


Introduction to Permaculture
Saturday 27th February 2016 - Sunday 28th February 2016
TLT event


Provisional Information

Introduction to Permaculture
Trosnant, Llandrindod

Weekend of 27th/28th February 2016

The course is now fully booked.  Please contact Lis (see below) to go on a reserve list.  If there is sufficient interest we will organise to re-run the course on another weekend.

This weekend course will introduce Permaculture and focus on how Permaculture Principles can be applied to garden scale growing. 

The starting point of the course is observing natural systems, and using those observations to develop good design principles.  The course will cover practical gardening matters (e.g. soil, compost, green manures, rainwater harvesting, companion planting and propagation).  There will also be hands-on sessions outdoors, mulching beds and planting Polyculture veg.

The course will cover:

Day 1

Day 2

The course will be led by Chris Evans who began his Permaculture experience in Nepal in 1988 where he founded a demonstration and training centre which grew organically into the Jajarkot Permaculture Programme spanning 65 villages, and with a membership of 12,000 farmers. Chris continues to work in Nepal with the Himalayan Permaculture Centre which was set up in 2010 to implement sustainable rural development programmes.

Chris has taught Permaculture in the UK, India, U.S.A. and Mexico. He is currently a director of Designed Visions, a Permaculture education and consultancy partnership based in UK. He is also a UK assessment level tutor for apprentices working towards their Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design, and co-owner of Applewood Permaculture Demonstration and Training Centre in South Herefordshire.The course will run from 9:00am to 5:30pm on Saturday and Sunday plus an evening session on Saturday.

Cost will be £40 for the weekend course.  Tea, coffee and other drinks will be provided.  Meals will be on a "bring food to share" basis.

Advance booking is essential.  Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 01597 829072