
Tuesday 23rd August, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Café

Free admittance includes hot drink and cake served at 7pm.
All are welcome!

The global climate system is under ever-increasing pressure from human activities and internal feedbacks are now beginning to accelerate the changes.

This is particularly true in the critical area of the Arctic. In 2012 northern sea ice fell to a spectacular new record low leading to dire prognostications and predictions of imminent collapse.

Although the worst-case scenario hasn't yet happened, the trends are growing clearer with each year and the news isn't what you'd call comforting.

This talk is an update on climate change, particularly regarding the state of the Arctic, and discussing where the changes are heading. It will also try to address what we can expect over the coming decade… and what we simply don't know and can't yet predict.

About the speaker

Joe Botting is a Llandrindod-based palaeontologist and naturalist, with a long interest in environmental matters. He certainly isn't a professional climatologist, but has been closely following what is going on for some years.

Given the message from this talk, you might be surprised to hear that he's not naturally a pessimist.

You can download a poster and a leaflet to help promote this event.