
Tuesday 22nd August, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Community Café

Free admittance includes hot drink and cake served at 7pm.
All are welcome!

What do we need for ourselves in a world where the sustainability of the planet is of wide concern?

How do we avoid worrying ourselves to death before the disasters that we fear actually occur?

And if they do occur how will we cope?

Our guest speaker for August is Geoff Greaves, one of the founding members of the Llandrindod Transition group.

About the speaker

Geoff has a working background in electronics, nursing, social work, business, IT, education and describes himself as a general jack-of-all-trades, master of none!  A father of five adult children, owner of two dogs, one cat, three motorcycles, and a fly press amongst many other tools!

You can download a poster to help promote this event and a leaflet that provides more information.