Venue: The Metropole Hotel, Llandrindod Wells
Date: Bank Holiday Monday 6th May 2019
Time: 11:00am to 4:00pm
Join us for a day to celebrate the best of everything that is Local to Llandrindod. Come and find out about all the brilliant groups, clubs, organisations and services in our town, make new connections and discover new activities and opportunities to enjoy our community.
• Our Community Celebration of Local Llandrindod

• Free entry
• Promoting local crafts, skills, clubs, trades, services and good causes
• A launch pad for new ideas and grass-roots actions
• Live music from local performers
• MAY FAIR DRAW - Lots of lovely prizes!
• Family fun, children's activities
• Arts and crafts, health and fitness
• Refreshments
This year we're aiming for the May Fair to be a plastic free event as far as possible, and we plan to host a ‘Zero Waste' corner to help us all to think about, and find solutions to, reducing the amount of waste produced day to day. Come along and find out more about little things we can all do to reduce our impact on our local and global environment, and the local businesses that are showing us how.
Information for Exhibitors
Local groups, organisations and businesses are warmly invited to apply for a stall at a cost of £10. Priority in stall allocation will be given to Llandrindod-based exhibitors and those helping us to celebrate our local community by offering a children’s activity, or a display about their work in Llandrindod, or a demo or other entertainment for visitors in addition to their own sales, promotions, fund-raising and recruiting. We would like the May Fair to be a plastic free event as far as possible, so if you would like to have a stall, please bear this in mind with your offerings. Screen advertising during the event is offered without charge to all exhibitors and all who contribute prizes for the Chinese Auction.
Please download the booking form from one of the links below and return it by post to the address given on the form, or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..