Llandrindod Pomarium

Eich Perllan Gymunedol - Your Community Orchard

Want to get involved or find out more?
Email us: pomarium@transitionllandrindod.org.uk
Like us on Facebook: llandrindodpomarium
Follow us on Instagram: llandrindodpomarium

Would you like to join the volunteer team that takes care of the community orchard and woodland? 
The next working session is on Sunday 31st March with a flexi-time, come-when-you-can from 10am - 1pm.
We meet beside the tool container shed every other Sunday to do a variety of jobs: pruning, planting, weeding, mulching, scything.
No experience is needed. 
Sturdy shoes/wellies recommended.
Dress appropriately for the weather. It is quite exposed, so can get windy!
You provide the energy and we provide the tools
Future dates; 18th August, 1st September, 15th September
Llandrindod Pomarium is the community orchard for the town. The orchard was established for the enjoyment of everyone in the community, and was made possible thanks to the generosity of local businesses, organisations (including Llandrindod Town Council) and individuals who have donated money, plants and effort. All of the produce of the orchard is freely available for anyone to pick, share and enjoy.
The name “Pomarium” is the Latin word for orchard, and was chosen because of the presence of Roman remains near the site. The orchard is situated on Alexandra Playing Fields, which are immediately to the south of the Rock Park and next to the railway line.
Planting of the orchard began in 2015, and the site now contains more than 50 fruit and nut trees and numerous soft fruit bushes, including apples, pears, plums, damsons, quinces, cherries, medlars, filberts, a walnut, currants, loganberries, gooseberries, blackberries and raspberries. The Pomarium organising team have installed benches (kindly donated by Llandrindod Town Council) and picnic benches (funded by a Tesco Bags of Help grant) to make it easy for people to enjoy the site.
The orchard site is also used for training people in various orchard-associated skills, such as pruning and scything, and for a variety of community events, including the annual wassail. The orchard provides an important habitat for many species of wild plants, insects and other animals.
Recently the orchard project has been extended to include planting of a forest garden next to the original site. A forest garden is a way of producing food that mimics a natural ecosystem, with trees, shrubs, ground cover and climbers that all have edible parts. So far the forest garden includes a variety of familiar plants, such as currant and gooseberry bushes and a variety of herbs, and more unusual things such as a Szechuan peppercorn.
The orchard and forest garden have been planted and are looked after by volunteers. The organising team always welcome more volunteers to help at our regular orchard maintenance sessions – we have jobs to suit all abilities, from digging holes to a bit of gentle weeding! Contact us via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Facebook (llandrindod pomarium) or come along to one of the sessions – see posters in the orchard for details!

Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 March 2020

All welcome! Croeso i bawb!

UPDATE: We have postponed the workshops from 15/16 February to March due to the stormy forecast. Keep an eye on the Facebook event for further updates.
Come and join us for two days of raised bed building in the community orchard. The workshops will be led by experienced local gardener Nick Marchmont. All levels of skill and experience are welcome!
These workshops are free and there is no need to book. Bring along your own tools if you have any of the following (we will also have some available for general use):
- handsaw
- battery drill/screwdriver
- clamps
- lump hammer
- work gloves 
Tea and coffee will be provided, bring a packed lunch.
For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sunday 19 January - All Welcome!
Dydd Sul 19 Ionawr - Croeso i Bawb! 

Llandrindod Community Wassail 2020 poster

Our fourth annual community orchard wassail - all are warmly welcome to come along and help to celebrate your community orchard and encourage the trees for the coming year. 
What to bring:
  • A cup - VERY IMPORTANT! - there'll be a hot drink provided for everyone. To help us save on waste, please bring your own cup/mug/beaker. The drinks will all be free but there will be a charge for a disposable cup if you need one, to encourage their reuse.
  • A slice or two of toast - yes really! We'll be hanging the trees with toast as an offering to the tree spirits and to the birds.
  • Brightly coloured ribbons - for dressing the trees with.
  • A noise maker (optional) - children especially are encouraged to bring a rattle, shaker or something to bang, to help us scare away any dark spirits that might be lurking!
  • A musical instrument (optional) - if you'd like to join in with the music making.
  • A torch or lantern - it'll be dark by the time we're done, so make sure you bring a light of some kind with you.
Dress code = WARM. Bright colours, garish patchwork, silly hats and cloaks are actively encouraged, but above all make sure you will be warm enough.
Make sure you wear suitable shoes for potentially wet and slippy ground!
As in previous years the evening will go something like this:
4pm - Noisy procession from the Bandstand to the Community Orchard - bring your shakers and drums and voices!
4:30pm - Tree dressing, music, hot drinks and snacks in the orchard.
5pm - Wassail ceremony, more music and general merriment.
6pm (ish) - Finish
If you'd like to get involved in organising the event or helping out on the day we'd love to hear from you! Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or message us via Facebook.

The Mari Lwyd is a Welsh wassailing tradition involving a decorated horse's skull carried on a pole. Here are instructions on how to make your own mini version to bring to Llandrindod's community wassail.

You will need:
  • The mini Mari Lwyd template
  • Coloured pens, crayons, glitter etc.
  • Scissors
  • Glue - pritt stick or similar is good
  • Masking tape
  • A stick
  • Coloured ribbons

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Image link to Llandrindod Acorns project page