Llandrindod Pomarium

Eich Perllan Gymunedol - Your Community Orchard

Want to get involved or find out more?
Email us: pomarium@transitionllandrindod.org.uk
Like us on Facebook: llandrindodpomarium
Follow us on Instagram: llandrindodpomarium

Would you like to join the volunteer team that takes care of the community orchard and woodland? 
Working sessions held every other Sunday from 31st March with a flexi-time, come-when-you-can from 10am - 1pm.
We meet beside the tool container shed every other Sunday to do a variety of jobs: pruning, planting, weeding, mulching, scything.
No experience is needed. 
Sturdy shoes/wellies recommended.
Dress appropriately for the weather. It is quite exposed, so can get windy!
You provide the energy and we provide the tools
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Image link to Llandrindod Acorns project page