Llandrindod Pomarium

Eich Perllan Gymunedol - Your Community Orchard

Want to get involved or find out more?
Email us: pomarium@transitionllandrindod.org.uk
Like us on Facebook: llandrindodpomarium
Follow us on Instagram: llandrindodpomarium


The Pomarium got off to a great start with wonderful weather, donations of fruit trees and bushes, and several willing volunteers.

Over the winter we'll be organising the sponsorship plans and sourcing many more plants, ready for a major opening and planting day in March.  Watch this space!

If you would like to be involved with organising this exciting new project, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - we'd love to hear from you!

Tree planting1:00pm on Sunday 1st November

TLT and Friends of Rock Park are jointly setting up a community orchard in Llandrindod. The orchard will be called Llandrindod Pomarium (Pomarium is the Latin word for orchard; there are Roman remains near the orchard site), with the subtitle of “Your Community Orchard: Fruit for Free”.

Friends of Rock Park have agreed a licence for the site with Powys County Council and will handle the financial/legal side of things. TLT and FORP will jointly take care of the actual running of the project. At present there are three people from both organisations in charge of operations: Hilary Macauley, Joe Botting, and Lucy Muir. We would welcome more people to be involved in the planning and running of the project: please contact any of us if you are interested.

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Image link to Llandrindod Acorns project page