Tuesday 28th November, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Herb Garden Community Café
Free admittance includes hot drink and cake served at 7pm.
All are welcome!
What's Wrong with Money?
... and what is it doing to our Society?
We invite you to an evening of short films on the theme of Money and Society which show that changes to make our financial and social systems more sustainable are necessary, possible and beneficial for all.
Many of the big social and economic problems that we’re facing today are due to the way that money is created by the financial institutions. This is leading to increasing inequality, indebtedness and unaffordable housing.
TLT member Jackie Talbott will introduce a number of important ideas, such as the Three Pillars of Sustainability and lead us through a number of short films that show what is wrong with the current systems, what different approaches are possible, and what we can do to bring about change.
You can download a poster to help promote this event and a leaflet that provides more information.
Further information
The films shown during the evening were
"What is Inner Transition" (extract) from the Transition Network website
Richard Wilkinson's talk "How economic inequality harms societies" from the TED website
"There is no Magic Money Tree" from the Positive Money website
Ben Dyson's talk on "How to fuel the economy without increasing debt, through Sovereign Money" from the Positive Money website
Had time allowed we would have finished with "Could these 3 simple changes to banking fix the economy?" also from the Positive Money website