
Making the change for a better future in Llandrindod

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the Transition Town initiative for Llandrindod and Area

Who are we?

The Llandrindod Transition group is part of the Transition Network, a worldwide organisation of people who want to do something practical locally to reduce our impact on the environment in the face of climate change and diminishing resources.  We are non-political and non-confrontational. We don't campaign 'against things'.

What do we do?

We have regular monthly meetings with a guest speaker.

We run a monthly Repair Café where you can get broken items fixed and learn to fix things yourself.

We organise the annual May Fair.

Working with Friends of the Rock Park we have started the new Llandrindod Pomarium (community orchard).

We arrange training courses on practical skills that can help us live more sustainably.

We help run local Eco-Homes days.

Our aim

is to help Llandrindod make the transition to a low carbon, sustainable and ethical future.

We focus

on practical local actions which are fun and rewarding to do as well as bringing longer-term benefits..

We wish

to share our experiences and help others, especially in neighbouring communities.  We welcome everyone to join in and support our aims.

How to join us or find out more

Follow us on Facebook:

Join our e-news list

Email us:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Come to our regular Monthly Meetings

Come to one of our monthly meetings on the fourth Tuesday of every month, where we usually have a guest speaker or show films. Free admission including refreshments. A donation towards costs is appreciated. All are welcome!

Support our Projects

Visit one of our regular Repair Café events. Help us develop the Llandrindod Pomarium - our community orchard.  During the year we also organise other special events, such as the May Fair, or training courses on topics relevant to the Transition agenda.

Working in Partnership

Please contact us if you are interested in partnership action or would like us to bring a film, talk or workshop about Transition activities to your organisation in the Llandrindod area.

Founder member of Powys Transition and Low Carbon Communities 
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Image link to Llandrindod Acorns project page

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