Llandrindod Pomarium

Eich Perllan Gymunedol - Your Community Orchard

Want to get involved or find out more?
Email us: pomarium@transitionllandrindod.org.uk
Like us on Facebook: llandrindodpomarium
Follow us on Instagram: llandrindodpomarium


Get your crayons out and help us tell everyone what the trees are there for!

Not everyone knows what a community orchard is, and people who just happen to be walking through the site might wonder why all these trees and bushes have suddenly appeared! We decided to enlist the help of the children (and some of the adults!) of Llandrindod to make some signs, to let people know that the orchard is for everyone, and to encourage everyone to take care of it. Our first batch were fabulously coloured, drawn and decorated at the 2016 Llandrindod May Fair.

Now it's over to you...

You can download the colouring sheets here or you can design your own! Feel free to laminate them yourself and staple them to the posts in the orchard, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.if you don't have access to a laminator and we can do it for you.

If you do laminate your sign, it helps if you cut off the grey border before laminating, so that you have a clear border to staple through. This keeps the rain out of your sign and means it will last longer!

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Image link to Llandrindod Acorns project page