Llandrindod Pomarium

Eich Perllan Gymunedol - Your Community Orchard

Want to get involved or find out more?
Email us: pomarium@transitionllandrindod.org.uk
Like us on Facebook: llandrindodpomarium
Follow us on Instagram: llandrindodpomarium


Sunday 21st August from 12:00 noon at the Pomarium

(on the former playing fields next to the Rock Park).

Absolutely everyone welcome - bring your lunch, something to sit on, games to play and your eagle eyes to spot the first of the ripe blackberries!

The picnic is on!  

The forecast says that it'll be dry from 11 till 4, but bring something you can sit on as the grass is likely to be extremely damp. Some wellies might be a good idea too!

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Image link to Llandrindod Acorns project page