Tuesday 24th January, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Community Café

Free admittance and all are welcome!

Over the past 100 years, the proportion of a family's budget spent on clothes has fallen from around 15% to under 4%. This has been made possible largely through shifting production to countries where labour is cheap.

What is the bigger picture behind the low cost fashionable clothing that we enjoy?

We invite you to join us for a film which explores the real costs to the environment and on human lives of the world clothing trade.

You can download a poster to help promote this event.

Tuesday 20th December, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Community Café

Free admittance and all are welcome!

We invite everyone who's been involved in Transition activities or has been to any of our meetings to come and join us for a social evening to celebrate what we've done together over the last year and to look forward to 2017.

Mince pies and mulled wine or a non-alcoholic alternative will be served with our compliments!  Do come and join us!


Tuesday 22nd November, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Café

Free admittance includes hot drink and cake served at 7pm.
All are welcome!

How must we change the way we use our land in order to feed ourselves in a future governed by climate change and oil depletion while remaining environmentally sustainable and in harmony with nature?

We invite you to a talk from three local speakers:

  • Dorienne Robinson - long term green activist, vegan and commercial horticulturist
  • Sian Meredudd – vegan and stock-free gardener for 30yrs
  • Dave Burridge - experienced local grower and teacher

You can download a poster to help promote this event.

Tuesday 25th October, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Café

Free admittance includes hot drink and cake served at 7pm.
All are welcome!

We invite you to a talk by David Edwards about the work of the Heart of Wales Line Development Company Ltd which is a Community Business Unit Trailblazer.

David's talk will explain the work of the company and describe some of its current schemes, such as their new caboose.  The rail franchise for the Wales and Borders area is due for renewal soon, and David will also talk about how the company is working to get the best from that process.

About the speaker

David is Chairman of the Development Company. He started his career as a British Rail Management Trainee but denationalised himself and has worked as a trainer, management consultant and marketing specialist in a variety of sectors.

He now concentrates on the not for profit sector and is keen to ensure that the Heart of Wales line is used to maximum effect in aiding the regeneration of the businesses and communities along its route. .

You can download a poster to help promote this event.

Further information

A copy of David's presentation, "The Socially Enterprising Railway", is available to download.

Renewing the franchise for the Heart of Wales Line

David has provided contact details for any enquiries relating to the franchise renewal:

Transport for Wales      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact details of companies preparing bids for the franchise:

MTR      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Keolis   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (consultants acting on behalf of Keolis)
Abellio  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Arriva   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The above bidders have all now been approved and are working on their 'initial solutions'.  Send in your suggestions for ways in which the current operation needs to be improved. 


Tuesday 26th July, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Café

Free admittance includes hot drink and cake served at 7pm.
All are welcome!

Why are more and more people eating supermarket waste? … and why does our food system generate so much waste anyway?

We invite you to a talk by Charlie Spring about her research on efforts to feed surplus food to people. You'll learn about the causes of food waste throughout the food supply chain and hear about solutions for creating an environmentally sound and socially just food system.

Charlie will talk about research for her PhD on efforts to feed surplus food to people, from foodbanks to 'food waste cafes'. Her research has taken her from Manchester convents to anti-hunger activists and anarchist chefs in North America.

About the speaker

Charlie spent her teens in Presteigne and came back to mid-Wales in her mid-twenties to try living off the land.

She moved to Manchester to run a sustainability engagement programme at Salford University. She's now in her second year of a PhD exploring 'surplus food redistribution in the North of England'.  She recently completed a Churchill Fellowship to the US and Canada to learn about their well-established history of food banking and anti-hunger advocacy.

You can download a poster and a leaflet to help promote this event.

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