Tuesday 24 March from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
at the Herb Garden Café, Llandrindod
New Developments on the Heart of Wales Line
A presentation by David Edwards
David Edwards is the Line Development Officer for the Heart of Wales Line Forum. He will be talking about the Heart of Wales Line Forum and how it fits into the railway industry, and the new initiative "Unlocking Mid Wales".
The Llandrindod Transition Town Group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Herb Garden Café, Llandrindod. The meetings are open to all, with free admittance (including hot drink and cake), a speaker or films and discussion. If you have an idea for low carbon, resilient Llandrindod that you want to put into action, or if you would like to help with events, activities and projects and meet like-minded people, TLT want to hear from you! ALL ARE WELCOME!
- Details
Our first open social meeting of 2015
Herb Garden Cafe 7 to 9 pm.
Free admittance includes hot drink and cake served at 7pm. All are welcome!
Owen Callender and Paul Burrell will be giving a presentation on "Community-owned Wind Energy".
Owen and Paul are Development Officers from Ynni'r Fro, a programme funded by the Welsh Government. The programme offers social enterprises funding and free, independent advice and information to help develop their own community-scale renewable energy schemes across Wales.
The talk will explore the facts and myths of wind energy; steps in developing a scheme;a review of finance and governance models; and finally will look at some case studies of what other community groups have achieved.
- Details