Tuesday 23rd January, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Community Café

Free admittance and all are welcome!

The climate change battle is now getting to its critical phase. Some are optimistic about progress, but the Earth's normal climate systems are also starting to break down at an accelerating rate.

We invite you to an illustrated talk by Joe Botting who will review the latest evidence of the changing state of the world's climate and give his views on what is most likely to happen in the near future.

About the speaker

Joe Botting is a Llandrindod-based palaeontologist and naturalist, with a long interest in environmental matters.  He has been closely following material on climate change for many years and has previously given talks to the group on the latest developments.

You can download a poster to help promote this event and a leaflet that provides more information.

Further information

The film shown at the meeting was a TED talk by Al Gore on The case for optimism on climate change.

For a fuller analysis of current data see this lecture by Dr Aaron Thierry at the University of Sheffield

Zero Carbon Britain is a research project by the Centre for Alternative Technology that shows how a zero emissions society is possible and the steps we need to take to achieve it.


Tuesday 12th December, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Community Café

Free admittance and all are welcome!

We invite everyone who's been involved in Transition activities or has been to any of our meetings to come and join us for a social evening to celebrate what we've done together over the last year and to look forward to 2018.

Mince pies and mulled wine or a non-alcoholic alternative will be served with our compliments!  Do come and join us!


Tuesday 28th November, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Community Café

Free admittance includes hot drink and cake served at 7pm.
All are welcome!

What's Wrong with Money?
... and what is it doing to our Society?

We invite you to an evening of short films on the theme of Money and Society which show that changes to make our financial and social systems more sustainable are necessary, possible and beneficial for all.

Many of the big social and economic problems that we’re facing today are due to the way that money is created by the financial institutions. This is leading to increasing inequality, indebtedness and unaffordable housing.

TLT member Jackie Talbott will introduce a number of important ideas, such as the Three Pillars of Sustainability and lead us through a number of short films that show what is wrong with the current systems, what different approaches are possible, and what we can do to bring about change.

You can download a poster to help promote this event and a leaflet that provides more information.

Further information

The films shown during the evening were

"What is Inner Transition" (extract) from the Transition Network website

Richard Wilkinson's talk "How economic inequality harms societies" from the TED website

"There is no Magic Money Tree" from the Positive Money website

Ben Dyson's talk on "How to fuel the economy without increasing debt, through Sovereign Money" from the Positive Money website

Had time allowed we would have finished with "Could these 3 simple changes to banking fix the economy?" also from the Positive Money website

Tuesday 24th October, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Community Café

Free admittance includes hot drink and cake served at 7pm.
All are welcome!

The Seed to Saucepan Project

The Seed to Saucepan project is a 3 year pilot project based at Ashfield Community Enterprise, Howey. The project will offer training in all aspects of growing, preparing and cooking food.

The project also plans to establish a growers' hub to find ways of using locally grown surplus produce at times of seasonal gluts.

We invite you to meet the Seed to Saucepan team and hear about plans for the project.  Project Chef Suzanne will also be doing a sample 'seed to saucepan' cooking session.

About the speakers

KERRY MILLS is the project manager and will provide an introduction to the Seed to Saucepan project and set out the objectives for the next 3 years.

LUCY A'BEAR is the project Horticulturist. Lucy will be presenting and discussing the 'Seed' side of our project and describing her plans for teaching in the free courses to be offered by the project.

SUZANNE DAVIES is the project Chef. She will by covering the 'Saucepan' side of the project including the free courses in the Ashfield kitchen.

You can download a poster to help promote this event and a leaflet that provides more information.

Tuesday 26th September, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Herb Garden Community Café

Free admittance includes hot drink and cake served at 7pm.
All are welcome!

The Road to a Zero Carbon Transport System

Time is running out for petrol and diesel engined cars. Their emissions have long been recognised as damaging to the environment. And the growing evidence of huge numbers of premature deaths due to air polution shows that change can't come too soon.

Our speakers for September are Bob Cumming and Bill Whyman of pioneering local company Riversimple Movement Ltd. They will share their vision of how battery and fuel cell electric vehicles may evolve and what is likely to become most appropriate for future transport systems.

About the speakers

Bob Cumming was formerly a marine engineer on nuclear submarines with a career of 24 years in the Royal Navy, followed by a design leadership and management role for Rolls Royce as part of the next generation nuclear propulsion plant development. He more recently moved into the fuel cell industry, developing solutions for the integration of large scale, stationary power generation into existing infrastructure, before realising the opportunity to become part of the Riversimple team with an ambition to deliver cutting edge technology into our everyday lives that changes the way we impact and interact with the natural resources of our planet.

Bill Whyman was previously an R&D technician with Riversimple responsible for building and manufacturing our prototypes and now leads our Procurement team. Before he joined Riversimple, he was a lecturer on motor vehicle technology. Truly Welsh, he has a big interest in sustainability and the future of Wales in a truly sustainable world.

Riversimple Movement Ltd is an award-winning innovator in the design and manufacture of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles based in Llandrindod Wells.

You can download a poster to help promote this event and a leaflet that provides more information.


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